Baseelements executesystemcommand
Baseelements executesystemcommand

I use this function in any application that needs to report results to others.įnBuildRSSFeedLib // fnBuildRSSFeedLib ( SubstitionCode ) If the default values are referenced then fewer command line options are needed. I use CNS FTPiT to upload the feed to the web. when complete execute the funtion with no parameters to add the footer to the RSS Feed. then with a script loop add the information for each feed item, The first time the function is exicuted it creates the RSS Header, Enter the information and a valid RSS feed will be generated. There are many ways to publish RSS Feeds but this is the simple way. Could not find Text2HTM function on source site. Global Variables: $$Domain, $$RSSerrors by Roger Biel, 2Geckos Consulting, // Custom function Dependencies: fnText2HTM, fnRSS_DateCode, fnMimeType, fnJulian, fnXMLencode, fnValidURL, fnBuildRSSFeedLib, fnValidEmail (used by fnValidURL) $$RSSerrors = Case ( vLastRun $$RSSerrors not vFirstRun $$RSSerrors

baseelements executesystemcommand baseelements executesystemcommand

- Validate that RSS article is properly formatted

baseelements executesystemcommand

Header = Substitute ( fnBuildRSSFeedLib ( "Header" ) & rssPodcastHeader RssPodcastHeader = If ( not Podcast "" fnBuildRSSFeedLib ( "iTunesHeader" ) ) RssLastPubDate = fnRSS_DateCode ( rssLastPubDate rssLastPubDate ) RssPubDate = fnRSS_DateCode ( rssPubDate rssPubDate ) RssLink = fnXMLencode ( fnValidURL ( "URL" rssLink ) ) RssCategory = fnXMLencode ( rssCategory ) RssDescription = fnXMLencode ( fnText2HTM ( rssDescription ) ) RssPodcast = If ( not vPodcast "" fnBuildRSSFeedLib ( "iTunes" ) ) RssEnclosure = If ( IsEmpty ( rssEnclosureLink ) "" Substitute ( fnBuildRSSFeedLib ( "enclosure" ) RssEnclosureType = fnMimeType ( rssEnclosureLink "text" ) - Took recursion out of the IF statement to prevent the function from stopping short.įnBigDollar // fnBigDollar ( number, precision ) - Changed field name to strip off table off of the field name because the final log process does not have the table. fnAuditLogLoad ( GetFieldName ( NameFirst ) &¶& GetFieldName ( NameLast ) "" ) Run this custom function to pre-populate an audit log field with existing values. If ( vNewValue ≠ "" vNewValue "" ) & ¶įnAuditLogLoad ( RightValues ( field_list ValueCount ( field_list ) - 1 ) acct_name ) )

baseelements executesystemcommand

GetAsTime ( Get ( CurrentHostTimestamp ) ) & Char(9) & GetAsDate ( Get ( CurrentHostTimestamp ) ) & Char(9) & If ( IsValid ( GetField ( vFieldFullName ) ) VAcct = If ( acct_name ≠ "" acct_name "logstart" ) VFieldShortName = GetValue ( Substitute ( vFieldFullName "::" ¶ ) 2 ) VFieldFullName = GetValue ( field_list 1 ) This video and the provided technique file will get you up and running within a very short period of time.FnAuditLogLoad // fnAuditLogLoad ( field_list acct_name )


Need a pivot table? Need more display control for your printed Invoices than FileMaker's native Layout mode? Need to integrate information from multiple sources out on the web? Need to just attach a simple PDF to an outbound email? Using the open source tool wkhtmltopdf, you can populate your web viewer with whatever information you wish. Here's the cool thing, it's already been done! Using HTML within FileMaker is one of the most flexible ways to present information.Ībout the only thing you could wish for, (Yes, I'm sure you could wish for a lot of things) is any easy way to convert your HTML into a PDF. FileMaker certainly supports embedding PDFs within container fields and HTML is quite easily integrated into Web Viewers. They're pretty much agreed up by all major operating systems and the users who use them. Outside of plain text, you can't get much more standard than HTML and PDF.

Baseelements executesystemcommand